European Union Projects

Our Company disposes all credentials allowing direct auditing of European Union projects.We audited several EU projects operational in more than one EU countries as well as EU projects managed by the Hungarian government.

Our audit is performed according to the European Union regulations as well as to the provisions of grant contracts and   in the case of Hungarian projects according to the Hungarian regulations.

In general the European Union regulations require itemized verification with strict documentation, therefore during our audit we examine the documentation of all items one by one and we accept only those which are comply with the European Union regulations and expectations. This way we facilitate the approval of the submitted settlements and minimize the need for rectifications Our opinions on the projects are formulated both formally and substantially according to the EU regulations. In our opinion we present all facts which have .considerable impact both on the project and the settlement in order that the settlement of the project comply with the regulations.


Postal address:

1061 Budapest, Káldy Gyula u. 6 ½

Phone:            +36-13270196

                         +36-309615443 (mobile)

Fax:                +36-13270197

